Sunday, January 31, 2010

Intel® Thread Checker

Uncover hard-to-find threading errors with this comprehensive analysis tool

Intel® Thread Checker is an analysis tool that pinpoints hard-to-find threading errors like data races and deadlocks in 32-bit and 64-bit applications. It can also be integrated into an automated Quality Assurance/test process to ensure code quality. Develop multi-threaded applications faster and with less effort and get more performance from multicore.

Intel® Thread Checker for Windows*

Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL)

Power science, engineering and financial applications with this highly optimized library

Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) is a library of highly optimized, extensively threaded math routines for science, engineering, and financial applications that require maximum performance. Core math functions include BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, Sparse Solvers, Fast Fourier Transforms, Vector Math, and more. Offering performance optimizations for current and next-generation Intel® processors, it includes improved integration with Microsoft Visual Studio*, Eclipse*, and XCode*. Intel MKL allows for full integration of the Intel Compatibility OpenMP* run-time library for greater Windows*/Linux* cross-platform compatibility

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP)

Streamline digital media and data-processing applications with this extensive library

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) is an extensive library of multicore-ready, highly optimized software functions for digital media and data-processing applications. Intel IPP offers thousands of optimized functions covering frequently-used fundamental algorithms. Intel IPP functions are designed to deliver performance beyond what optimized compilers alone can deliver.

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography Library

Utilize cryptography functions to facilitate software enhancements such as improved privacy, trust, access control, electronic payments, and corporate security. Intel IPP includes a cryptography function domain for robust encryption and decryption functionality for today's increasing security needs. Functions include support for DES, TDES, Rijndael, SHA1, and RSA algorithms.

Intel® VTune™ Performance Analyzer 9.1 for Linux*

Improve application performance with this indispensible analysis tool

Intel® VTune™ Performance Analyzer evaluates applications on all sizes of systems based on Intel® processors, from embedded systems through supercomputers, to help you improve application performance. VTune Performance Analyzer makes application performance tuning easier and is indispensable for making your software run its fastest on the latest single and multicore systems.

Intel® VTune™ Performance Analyzer with Intel® Thread Profiler for Windows*

VTune Analyzer
Product Brief VTune Analyzer
Product In-Depth Thread Profiler
Product Brief Thread Profiler
Product In-Depth
Intel® Thread Profiler 3.1 for Windows* is our most advanced threading analysis and visualization tool. It helps tune multi-threaded applications for optimal performance on Intel® multicore processors. The Intel Thread Profiler timeline view shows what threads are doing and how they interact. See the distribution of work to threads and pinpoint load imbalances. Identify the regions of threaded code most likely to improve performance and build scalability into your applications.

Intel® VTune™ Performance Analyzer for Linux*

Intel® Toools For Intel® Atom™ Processors

Intel® Software Network

Get a complete Software Development Tools solution for your Intel® Atom™ processor-based embedded system and application software development. Coding, compiling, debugging, and performance tuning made simple.

The Intel® Embedded Software Development Tool Suite for Intel® Atom™ processor and Intel® Application Software Development Tool Suite for Intel® Atom™ processor are complete tools solution sets to address software performance requirements of Intel Atom processor-powered MIDs, Embedded, Netbook, and Consumer Electronic devices, and to enhance the productivity and experience of the system and application development process. The Tool Suites cover the entire cycle of software development: coding, compiling, debugging, and analyzing performance. All included tools are Linux* hosted and compatible with GNU tools.

Intel® Application Software Development Tool Suite for Intel Atom™ Processor
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® Embedded Software Development Tool Suite for Intel Atom™ Processor
Product Brief / Product In-Depth
What's New

November 4, 2009
An updated version of the Intel® Embedded Software Development Tool Suite 2.1 for Intel® Atom™ processor is now available, which includes support for Macraigor* JTAG interface “usb2Demon*”.

Please visit to purchase the JTAG device “usb2Demon” and to obtain the required Linux* driver software and Macraigor’s driver installation instructions. Further details can also be found in the Intel® JTAG Debugger installation guide. The release notes can be found here.

Intel® Tools Competency Center (Intel® TCC)

The Intel® Tools Competency Center is a customer consultancy center, based in Europe, which provides a central point of contact for the Moblin-based application and system software developer community. In an ongoing commitment to deliver premier development tools and support for customers, Intel® TCC provides customers with a single point of contact for technical consultancy services.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Intel® Compilers

Intel® Compilers

Drive rapid development and winning performance with these suites of compilers and performance libraries

Intel® Professional Edition Compilers include advanced optimization features, multithreading capabilities, and support for Intel® processors and compatible processors. They also provide highly optimized performance libraries for creating multithreaded applications.

Intel® Compiler Suite Professional Edition for Windows*
Product Brief

Intel® Compiler Suite Professional Edition for Linux*
Product Brief

Intel® C++ Compiler Professional Edition for Windows*
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Windows*
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Windows* with IMSL*
Product Brief / Product In-Depth / IMSL Fortran Library

Intel® C++ Compiler Professional Edition for Linux*
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Linux*
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® C++ Compiler Professional Edition for Mac OS* X
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Mac OS* X
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Other Intel® Compiler Products

Intel also offers compilers and related tools for embedded software development

Intel® C++ Compiler Professional Edition for QNX* Neutrino* RTOS
Product In-Depth

Intel® Application Software Development Tool Suite for Intel Atom™ Processor
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® Embedded Software Development Tool Suite for Intel Atom™ Processor
Product Brief / Product In-Depth

Intel® C Compiler for EFI Byte Code
Product In-Depth

Intel® Parallel Amplifier

Intel® Parallel Amplifier

Enhance applications with this easy-to-use performance analyzer and tuner
Intel® Parallel Amplifier makes it simple to quickly find multicore performance bottlenecks without needing to know the processor architecture or assembly code. Parallel Amplifier takes away the guesswork and analyzes performance behavior in Windows* applications, providing quick access to scaling information for faster and improved decision making.

Fine-tune for optimal performance, ensuring cores are fully exploited and new capabilities are supported.

Intuitive performance profiler specifically designed for threaded applications
Use throughout development cycle to maximize threading performance
Make significant performance gains that impact customer satisfaction
Increase application headroom for richer feature sets and next-gen innovation

Intel® Software Network

Intel parallell spector

Ensure application reliability with this memory and threading error checking tool

Intel® Parallel Inspector combines threading and memory error checking into one powerful error checking tool. It helps increase the reliability, security, and accuracy of C/C++ applications from within Microsoft Visual Studio*. Intel Parallel Inspector uses dynamic instrumentation that requires no special test builds or compilers, so it’s easier to test code more often.

Find memory and threading errors with one easy to use tool
Help ensure that shipped applications run error-free on customer systems
Give both experts and novices greater insight into parallel code behavior
Find latent bugs within the increasing complexity of parallel programs
Reduce support costs and increase productivity

Friday, January 29, 2010

INTEL Parallel Composer

Intel parallel composer

Develop effective applications with this C/C++ compiler and set of advanced threaded libraries

Intel® Parallel Composer is part of the larger Intel® Parallel Studio and brings an unprecedented breadth of parallelism development options for developers using Microsoft* Visual C++*. Its combination of compilers, libraries, and an extension to the Microsoft Visual Studio* debugger support easier, faster multithreading of serial and parallel applications.

Create applications that take advantage of the potential of multicore processors with Intel Parallel Composer.

Intel® C++ is compatible with Microsoft Visual C++, delivers the latest OpenMP* technology and provides language extensions to support and help simplify adding parallelism to your code
The Intel® Parallel Debugger Extension simplifies parallel debugging and ensures thread accuracy
Intel® Threading Building Blocks and Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives provide generic and application-specific functions that are already threaded, enabling developers to quickly add parallelism to application

INTEL Parallel Studio

Designed for today’s serial applications and tomorrow’s software innovators.

Intel brings simplified, end-to-end parallelism to Microsoft Visual Studio* C/C++ developers with Intel® Parallel Studio. Leveraging more than 25 years of parallel software and high-performance expertise, Intel provides advanced tools to optimize client applications. Create parallel applications for the desktop and compete in a multicore industry.

Intel® Parallel Studio Service Pack 1 is now available, adding support for Windows* 7. See the release notes for more details.
Download Intel® Parallel Studio Service Pack 1 now.
End-to-end product suite for parallelism: Ease implementation at every stage in the development cycle for designing, coding, debugging, and tuning applications
Forward scaling: Prepare applications to take advantage of multicore and scale for manycore

Product Brief
Visual Studio and Visual C++ compatible: Leverages investment in the latest Visual Studio development environments (except Express editions) with multicore-based competitive edge
Ease parallelism onramp: Minimize learning curve and improve productivity to accelerate return on hardware and software investments
Support multiple ways to exploit parallelism: Increase flexibility with both data and task parallel programming